(Installing and) Loading the required R packages

# install.packages("ggplot2")


Read and the clean the dataset:
source("Prepare The Beatles song dataset for clustering.R")
# saveRDS(object = <dataframe or another R object>, file = "<filename>") # save R object for the next session
# <dataframe or another R object> <- readRDS(file = "<filename>") # restore R object in the next session

the.beatles.songs.num <- 
  readRDS("The Beatles songs dataset (numeric), v4.1.RData")



Check if there are outliers in the data, using boxplots:
boxplot(<dataset>$<column name>, xlab = "<column name>") # basic boxplot for <column name>
boxplot(<dataset>) # basic boxplots for all columns
boxplot(<dataset>)$stats # basic boxplots for all columns, stats
boxplot(<dataset>)$stats[c(1, 5), ] # basic boxplots - whiskers
<output var> <- ggplot(<dataset>, # ggplot2 boxplots
+ aes(x = "",
+ y = <column name>)) + # show boxplot of <column name>
+ geom_boxplot(width = 0.5, fill = "<color>") + # boxplot width and color
+ stat_boxplot(geom ='errorbar', width = 0.15) + # show whiskers, control their width
+ guides(fill = FALSE) + # no legend (it makes no sense here)
+ xlab("") # no x-axis label (it makes no sense here)

Compare outputs of boxplot()$stats and summary(dataset):


##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]   80    0    0    0
## [2,]  133    0    0    0
## [3,]  150    9    2    0
## [4,]  173   16    8    0
## [5,]  232   35   20    0
boxplot(the.beatles.songs.num$Duration, xlab = "Duration")

Boxplotting all numeric features using the boxplotFeature() utility function:
boxplotFeature(<dataset with numeric features>, # dataframe with numeric features
+ "<numeric feature>", # numeric feature to boxplot (its name, passed as a string)
+ "<color>") # boxplot fill color

boxplotFeature(the.beatles.songs.num, "Duration", "red")

boxplotFeature(the.beatles.songs.num, "Other.releases", "chartreuse")

boxplotFeature(the.beatles.songs.num, "Covered.by", "orange")

boxplotFeature(the.beatles.songs.num, "Top.50.Billboard", "yellow")

Fix the outlier values for each variable with outliers - replace each outlier value with a specific percentile value of the data, typically 90th or 95th:
boxplot(<dataset>$<column name>, xlab = "<column name>") # basic boxplot for <column name>
boxplot.stats(<dataset>$<column name>) # examine the boxplot more closely
boxplot.stats(<dataset>$<column name>)$out # examine the outliers more closely
boxplot.stats(<dataset>$<column name>)$stats[c(1, 5)] # get the whiskers
boxplot.stats(<dataset>$<column name>)$stats[1] # get the lower whisker
boxplot.stats(<dataset>$<column name>)$stats[5] # get the upper whisker
sort(boxplot.stats(<dataset>$<column name>)$out) # get and sort the outliers
<quantiles> <- quantile(<dataset>$<column name>, # examine the 90th, 95th, ..., percentile
+ probs = seq(from = 0.9, to = 1, by = 0.025))
<new max value> <- # the value to replace the outliers
+ as.numeric(quantile(<dataset>$<column name>, # pick <percentile> closest to
+ probs = <percentile>)) # the upper whisker
<dataset>$<column name>[<dataset>$<column name> >
+ <new max value>] <- # replace the outliers
+ <new max value>
<quantiles> <- quantile(<dataset>$<column name>, # examine the 0th, 5th, ..., percentile
+ probs = seq(from = 0.0, to = 0.1, by = 0.025))
<new min value> <- # the value to replace the outliers
+ as.numeric(quantile(<dataset>$<column name>, # pick <percentile> closest to
+ probs = <percentile>)) # the lower whisker
<dataset>$<column name>[<dataset>$<column name> < <new min value>] <- # replace the outliers
+ <new min value>

Fix the outliers in the first variable manually:

boxplot(the.beatles.songs.num$Duration, xlab = "Duration")

## $stats
## [1]  80 133 150 173 232
## $n
## [1] 310
## $conf
## [1] 146.4105 153.5895
## $out
##  [1] 335 237 235 254 258 236  51 266 270  23 431 273 467 388 243  40  66
## [18]  72 236 502 236 245 248 372 286  52 305 241 261 242
##  [1] 335 237 235 254 258 236  51 266 270  23 431 273 467 388 243  40  66
## [18]  72 236 502 236 245 248 372 286  52 305 241 261 242
boxplot.stats(the.beatles.songs.num$Duration)$stats[c(1, 5)]
## [1]  80 232
##  [1]  23  40  51  52  66  72 235 236 236 236 237 241 242 243 245 248 254
## [18] 258 261 266 270 273 286 305 335 372 388 431 467 502
         probs = seq(from = 0.9, to = 1, by = 0.025))
##     90%   92.5%     95%   97.5%    100% 
## 215.200 234.475 244.100 276.575 502.000
new.max.duration <- 
  as.numeric(quantile(the.beatles.songs.num$Duration,         # the 92.5th percentile seems to be 
                      probs = 0.925))                         # a good cut-off point
the.beatles.songs.num$Duration[the.beatles.songs.num$Duration > new.max.duration] <- new.max.duration
         probs = seq(from = 0, to = 0.1, by = 0.025))
##      0%    2.5%      5%    7.5%     10% 
##  23.000  91.725 105.450 109.525 116.000
new.min.duration <- 
  as.numeric(quantile(the.beatles.songs.num$Duration,         # the 2.5th percentile seems to be 
                      probs = 0.025))                         # a good cut-off point
the.beatles.songs.num$Duration[the.beatles.songs.num$Duration < new.min.duration] <- new.min.duration
boxplot(the.beatles.songs.num$Duration, xlab = "Duration")

# no more outliers in Duration

Call fixOutliers() for the other columns:

# source("Fix outliers.R")
# the.beatles.songs.num <- fixOutliers(the.beatles.songs.num, "<column name>")
source("Fix outliers.R")

boxplot(the.beatles.songs.num$Other.releases, xlab = "Other.releases")

## $stats
## [1]  0  0  9 16 35
## $n
## [1] 310
## $conf
## [1]  7.564192 10.435808
## $out
## [1] 42 42 56 45 44
## [1] 42 42 56 45 44
boxplot.stats(the.beatles.songs.num$Other.releases)$stats[c(1, 5)]
## [1]  0 35
the.beatles.songs.num <- fixOutliers(the.beatles.songs.num, "Other.releases")
boxplot(the.beatles.songs.num$Other.releases, xlab = "Other.releases")

# no more outliers in Other.releases
the.beatles.songs.num <- fixOutliers(the.beatles.songs.num, "Covered.by")
boxplot(the.beatles.songs.num$Covered.by, xlab = "Covered.by")

# no more outliers in Covered.by

Demonstrate an attempt to fix outliers with highly skewed data:

boxplot(the.beatles.songs.num$Top.50.Billboard, xlab = "Top.50.Billboard")

## $stats
## [1] 0 0 0 0 0
## $n
## [1] 310
## $conf
## [1] 0 0
## $out
##  [1] 43  1 10 36 14  3 41 45 22 25 30 13 12 47 28 44 37 50  2 40 15 49  8
## [24] 29 46 35 11  6 24 17 32 27 33  9  4 19 48 20  7 21 18  5 23 31 34 38
## [47] 42 26 39
##  [1] 43  1 10 36 14  3 41 45 22 25 30 13 12 47 28 44 37 50  2 40 15 49  8
## [24] 29 46 35 11  6 24 17 32 27 33  9  4 19 48 20  7 21 18  5 23 31 34 38
## [47] 42 26 39
boxplot.stats(the.beatles.songs.num$Top.50.Billboard)$stats[c(1, 5)]
## [1] 0 0
temp <- the.beatles.songs.num$Top.50.Billboard # save current Top.50.Billboard, for restoring it later
the.beatles.songs.num <- fixOutliers(the.beatles.songs.num, "Top.50.Billboard")
boxplot(the.beatles.songs.num$Top.50.Billboard, xlab = "Top.50.Billboard")

the.beatles.songs.num$Top.50.Billboard <- temp # restore Top.50.Billboard

Summarize the results so far:

##     Duration      Other.releases    Covered.by     Top.50.Billboard
##  Min.   : 91.72   Min.   : 0.00   Min.   : 0.000   Min.   : 0.000  
##  1st Qu.:133.00   1st Qu.: 0.00   1st Qu.: 0.000   1st Qu.: 0.000  
##  Median :150.00   Median : 9.00   Median : 2.000   Median : 0.000  
##  Mean   :155.84   Mean   :10.07   Mean   : 5.323   Mean   : 4.061  
##  3rd Qu.:172.75   3rd Qu.:16.00   3rd Qu.: 8.000   3rd Qu.: 0.000  
##  Max.   :234.47   Max.   :30.55   Max.   :20.000   Max.   :50.000

Patterns in the data

See if there are some patterns in the data, pairwise, to possibly indicate clusters:
pairs(~ <column 1 name> + <column 2 name> + ...,
+ data = <dataframe>)

pairs(~ Duration + Other.releases + Covered.by + Top.50.Billboard,  # no any striking pattern, i.e. 
      the.beatles.songs.num)                                        # no visual indication of clusters

K-Means with 2 variables

Try K-Means with 2 variables.

Plot the data first:
<scatterplot> <- + ggplot(<dataset>, aes(x = <num.var.1>, y = <num.var.2>)) +
+ geom_point(shape = <n>, # <n> = 1: hollow circle, no fill;
+ # <n> = 21: circle that can be filled
+ fill = <color 1>, # color of point fill (optional)
+ color = <color 2>, # color of point line (optional)
+ size = <s>) # size of point line (optional)
<scatterplot> <- <scatterplot> + xlab("<x label>") # label/caption on x-axis
<scatterplot> <- <scatterplot> + ylab("<y label>") # label/caption on y-axis
<scatterplot> <- <scatterplot> + ggtitle("<scatterplot title>") # scatterplot title
<scatterplot> # plot it

<scatterplot> <-
+ ggplot(<dataset>, aes(x = <num.var.1>, y = <num.var.2>)) +
+ geom_point(shape = <n>, # <n> = 1: hollow circle, no fill;
+ # <n> = 21: circle that can be filled
+ fill = <color 1>, # color of point fill (optional)
+ color = <color 2>, # color of point line (optional)
+ size = <s>) # size of point line (optional)
<scatterplot> <- <scatterplot> +
+ labs(x = "<x label>", # label/caption on x-axis
+ y = "<y label>", # label/caption on y-axis
+ title = "<scatterplot title>") + # scatterplot title
<scatterplot> # plot it

scatterplot.Other.releases.vs.Covered.by <- 
  ggplot(the.beatles.songs.num, aes(x = Other.releases, y = Covered.by)) +
  geom_point(shape = 21, fill = "yellow", size = 2) + 
  labs(x = "Other.releases", y = "Covered.by", title = "Covered.by vs. Other.releases") +

Subset the original data to include only the variables to be used in K-Means:
<new dataframe> <- <dataframe>[, c("<col1 name>", "<col2 name>")]
<new dataframe> <- <dataframe>[, <col1 index>:<col2 index>]
<new dataframe> <- subset(<dataframe>, select = c("<col1 name>", "<col2 name>"))
<new dataframe> <- subset(<dataframe>, select = c(<col1 index>:<col2 index>))

the.beatles.songs.num.1 <- the.beatles.songs.num[, c("Other.releases", "Covered.by")]
# the.beatles.songs.num.1 <- subset(the.beatles.songs.num, select = c("Other.releases", "Covered.by"))
##  Other.releases    Covered.by    
##  Min.   : 0.00   Min.   : 0.000  
##  1st Qu.: 0.00   1st Qu.: 0.000  
##  Median : 9.00   Median : 2.000  
##  Mean   :10.07   Mean   : 5.323  
##  3rd Qu.:16.00   3rd Qu.: 8.000  
##  Max.   :30.55   Max.   :20.000
##                            Other.releases Covered.by
## 12-Bar Original                      0.00          0
## A Day in the Life                   12.00         20
## A Hard Day's Night                  30.55         20
## A Shot of Rhythm and Blues           0.00          0
## A Taste of Honey                    29.00          0
## Across the Universe                 19.00         20

Data normalization

Required by K-Means when the variables have different ranges.
range(<dataframe with numeric columns>$<numeric column 1> # check the range of <numeric column 1>
range(<dataframe with numeric columns>$<numeric column 2> # check the range of <numeric column 2>
# install.packages("clusterSim")
<dataframe with numeric columns> <- # works with vectors and matrices as well
+ data.Normalization(<dataframe with numeric columns>,
+ type = "n4", # normalization: (x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x))
+ normalization = "column") # normalization by columns

## [1]  0.00 30.55
## [1]  0 20
## Loading required package: cluster
## Loading required package: MASS
## This is package 'modeest' written by P. PONCET.
## For a complete list of functions, use 'library(help = "modeest")' or 'help.start()'.
the.beatles.songs.num.2 <- 
                     type = "n4", 
                     normalization = "column")
##                                   Other.releases Covered.by
## You'll Be Mine                        0.00000000       0.00
## You're Going to Lose That Girl        0.19639935       0.10
## You've Got to Hide Your Love Away     0.39279869       1.00
## You've Really Got a Hold on Me        0.06546645       0.00
## Young Blood                           0.00000000       0.00
## Your Mother Should Know               0.42553191       0.05

K-Means for K = 3

Run K-Means for K = 3:
<clusters> <- kmeans(x = <normalized dataframe>,
+ centers = 3, # K = 3
+ iter.max = 20, # max number of iterations allowed
+ nstart = 1000) # no. of initial configurations
+ # (report generated based on the best one)

clusters.K3 <- kmeans(x = the.beatles.songs.num.2, centers = 3, iter.max = 20, nstart = 1000)
## K-means clustering with 3 clusters of sizes 103, 149, 58
## Cluster means:
##   Other.releases Covered.by
## 1     0.53862044  0.2189320
## 2     0.08633662  0.0466443
## 3     0.58352616  0.9137931
## Clustering vector:
##                                           12-Bar Original 
##                                                         2 
##                                         A Day in the Life 
##                                                         3 
##                                        A Hard Day's Night 
##                                                         3 
##                                A Shot of Rhythm and Blues 
##                                                         2 
##                                          A Taste of Honey 
##                                                         1 
##                                       Across the Universe 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Act Naturally 
##                                                         1 
##                                           Ain't She Sweet 
##                                                         2 
##                                        All I've Got to Do 
##                                                         2 
##                                             All My Loving 
##                                                         3 
##                                      All Things Must Pass 
##                                                         2 
##                                          All Together Now 
##                                                         2 
##                                      All You Need Is Love 
##                                                         3 
##                                            And I Love Her 
##                                                         3 
##                                    And Your Bird Can Sing 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Anna (Go to Him) 
##                                                         1 
##                                              Another Girl 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Any Time at All 
##                                                         1 
##                                                Ask Me Why 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Baby It's You 
##                                                         1 
##                                           Baby's in Black 
##                                                         1 
##                                   Baby, You're a Rich Man 
##                                                         1 
##                                      Back in the U.S.S.R. 
##                                                         3 
##                                                   Bad Boy 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Bad to Me 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Beautiful Dreamer 
##                                                         2 
##                             Because I Know You Love Me So 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Because 
##                                                         3 
##                        Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 
##                                                         1 
##                                                  Birthday 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Blackbird 
##                                                         3 
##                                              Blue Jay Way 
##                                                         1 
##                                                      Boys 
##                                                         1 
##                                              Bésame Mucho 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Can't Buy Me Love 
##                                                         3 
##                                                     Carol 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Carry That Weight 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  Catswalk 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Cayenne 
##                                                         2 
##                                                    Chains 
##                                                         1 
##                                           Child of Nature 
##                                                         2 
##                            Christmas Time (Is Here Again) 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Circles 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Clarabella 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Come and Get It 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Come Together 
##                                                         3 
##                                              Cry Baby Cry 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Cry for a Shadow 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Crying, Waiting, Hoping 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Day Tripper 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Dear Prudence 
##                                                         3 
##                                        Devil in Her Heart 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Dig a Pony 
##                                                         1 
##                                                    Dig It 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Dizzy, Miss Lizzy 
##                                                         1 
##                             Do You Want to Know a Secret? 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Doctor Robert 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Don't Bother Me 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Don't Ever Change 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Don't Let Me Down 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Don't Pass Me By 
##                                                         1 
##                                              Drive My Car 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Eight Days a Week 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Eleanor Rigby 
##                                                         3 
##                                                  Etcetera 
##                                                         2 
##                                        Every Little Thing 
##                                                         2 
## Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey 
##                                                         1 
##                          Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby 
##                                                         1 
##                                 Fancy My Chances with You 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Fixing a Hole 
##                                                         2 
##                                                    Flying 
##                                                         1 
##                                                For No One 
##                                                         1 
##                                              For You Blue 
##                                                         1 
##                                            Free as a Bird 
##                                                         2 
##                                            From Me to You 
##                                                         1 
##                                            From Us to You 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  Get Back 
##                                                         3 
##                                            Getting Better 
##                                                         1 
##                                                      Girl 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Glad All Over 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Glass Onion 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Golden Slumbers 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Good Day Sunshine 
##                                                         2 
##                                Good Morning, Good Morning 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Good Night 
##                                                         1 
##                                                   Goodbye 
##                                                         2 
##                               Got to Get You into My Life 
##                                                         1 
##                                 Hallelujah, I Love Her So 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Happiness Is a Warm Gun 
##                                                         1 
##                                                   Heather 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Hello Little Girl 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Hello, Goodbye 
##                                                         1 
##                                                     Help! 
##                                                         3 
##                                            Helter Skelter 
##                                                         3 
##                                               Her Majesty 
##                                                         2 
##                                        Here Comes the Sun 
##                                                         3 
##                                Here, There and Everywhere 
##                                                         3 
##                                               Hey Bulldog 
##                                                         1 
##                                                  Hey Jude 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Hippy Hippy Shake 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Hold Me Tight 
##                                                         1 
##                                               Honey Don't 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Honey Pie 
##                                                         2 
##                                         How Do You Do It? 
##                                                         2 
##                                           I Am the Walrus 
##                                                         3 
##                                          I Call Your Name 
##                                                         1 
##                           I Don't Want to Spoil the Party 
##                                                         1 
##                                               I Feel Fine 
##                                                         1 
##                            I Forgot to Remember to Forget 
##                                                         2 
##                                             I Got a Woman 
##                                                         2 
##                                     I Got to Find My Baby 
##                                                         2 
##                                   I Just Don't Understand 
##                                                         2 
##                                     I Lost My Little Girl 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 I Me Mine 
##                                                         2 
##                                                I Need You 
##                                                         1 
##                                  I Saw Her Standing There 
##                                                         3 
##                                I Should Have Known Better 
##                                                         1 
##                                       I Wanna Be Your Man 
##                                                         1 
##                                  I Want to Hold Your Hand 
##                                                         3 
##                                        I Want to Tell You 
##                                                         2 
##                               I Want You (She's So Heavy) 
##                                                         3 
##                                                    I Will 
##                                                         3 
##                                              I'll Be Back 
##                                                         1 
##                                         I'll Be on My Way 
##                                                         2 
##                                          I'll Cry Instead 
##                                                         1 
##                                       I'll Follow the Sun 
##                                                         1 
##                                              I'll Get You 
##                                                         1 
##                                   I'll Keep You Satisfied 
##                                                         2 
##                                               I'm a Loser 
##                                                         1 
##                                                  I'm Down 
##                                                         1 
##               I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You) 
##                                                         2 
##                          I'm Happy Just to Dance with You 
##                                                         2 
##                                               I'm In Love 
##                                                         2 
##                                   I'm Looking Through You 
##                                                         1 
##                                         I'm Only Sleeping 
##                                                         1 
##                                              I'm So Tired 
##                                                         1 
##                         I'm Talking About You (Star Club) 
##                                                         2 
##                               I'm Talking About You (BBC) 
##                                                         2 
##                                        I've Got a Feeling 
##                                                         1 
##                                     I've Just Seen a Face 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 If I Fell 
##                                                         3 
##                                       If I Needed Someone 
##                                                         1 
##                                     If You've Got Trouble 
##                                                         2 
##                                                In My Life 
##                                                         3 
##                                In Spite of All the Danger 
##                                                         2 
##                                          It Won't Be Long 
##                                                         1 
##                                         It's All Too Much 
##                                                         1 
##                                            It's Only Love 
##                                                         1 
##                                           Jazz Piano Song 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Jessie's Dream 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Johnny B. Goode 
##                                                         2 
##                                                     Julia 
##                                                         1 
##                                                      Junk 
##                                                         2 
##                            Kansas City/Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey 
##                                                         2 
##                               Keep Your Hands Off My Baby 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Lady Madonna 
##                                                         3 
##                                     Leave My Kitten Alone 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Lend Me Your Comb 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Let It Be 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Like Dreamers Do 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Little Child 
##                                                         1 
##                                 Lonesome Tears in My Eyes 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Long Tall Sally 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Long, Long, Long 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Looking Glass 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Love Me Do 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Love of the Loved 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Love You To 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Lovely Rita 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Lucille 
##                                                         2 
##                             Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds 
##                                                         3 
##                                                    Madman 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Maggie Mae 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Magical Mystery Tour 
##                                                         1 
##                           Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Martha My Dear 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  Matchbox 
##                                                         1 
##                                   Maxwell's Silver Hammer 
##                                                         2 
##                                          Mean Mr. Mustard 
##                                                         2 
##                                        Memphis, Tennessee 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  Michelle 
##                                                         3 
##                                                    Misery 
##                                                         1 
##                                Money (That's What I Want) 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Moonlight Bay 
##                                                         2 
##                                       Mother Nature's Son 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Mr. Moonlight 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 My Bonnie 
##                                                         1 
##                                                  No Reply 
##                                                         1 
##                      Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Not a Second Time 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Not Guilty 
##                                                         2 
##             Nothin' Shakin' (But the Leaves on the Trees) 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Nowhere Man 
##                                                         3 
##                                        Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Octopus's Garden 
##                                                         1 
##                                               Oh! Darling 
##                                                         3 
##                                            Old Brown Shoe 
##                                                         1 
##                                             One After 909 
##                                                         1 
##                                        One and One Is Two 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Only a Northern Song 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Ooh! My Soul 
##                                                         2 
##                                           P.S. I Love You 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Paperback Writer 
##                                                         1 
##                                                Penny Lane 
##                                                         3 
##                                                   Piggies 
##                                                         2 
##                                        Please Mr. Postman 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Please Please Me 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Polythene Pam 
##                                                         2 
##                                                      Rain 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 Real Love 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Revolution 1 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Revolution 9 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Revolution 
##                                                         3 
##        Rip It Up/Shake, Rattle, and Roll/Blue Suede Shoes 
##                                                         2 
##                                       Rock and Roll Music 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Rocky Raccoon 
##                                                         1 
##                                       Roll Over Beethoven 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Run for Your Life 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Savoy Truffle 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Searchin' 
##                                                         2 
##                                     September in the Rain 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Sexy Sadie 
##                                                         1 
##           Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 
##                                                         2 
##                     Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 
##                                                         3 
##                                    Shakin' in the Sixties 
##                                                         2 
##                   She Came in Through the Bathroom Window 
##                                                         2 
##                                             She Loves You 
##                                                         3 
##                                         She Said She Said 
##                                                         2 
##                                             She's a Woman 
##                                                         1 
##                                        She's Leaving Home 
##                                                         3 
##                                                     Shout 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Sie Liebt Dich 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Slow Down 
##                                                         1 
##                             So How Come (No One Loves Me) 
##                                                         2 
##                      Soldier of Love (Lay Down Your Arms) 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Some Other Guy 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Something 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Sour Milk Sea 
##                                                         2 
##                            Step Inside Love/Los Paranoias 
##                                                         2 
##                                 Strawberry Fields Forever 
##                                                         3 
##                                                  Sun King 
##                                                         2 
##                           Sure to Fall (In Love with You) 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Sweet Little Sixteen 
##                                                         2 
##                                 Take Good Care of My Baby 
##                                                         2 
##                                 Taking a Trip to Carolina 
##                                                         2 
##                                                    Taxman 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 Teddy Boy 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Tell Me What You See 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Tell Me Why 
##                                                         1 
##                                            Thank You Girl 
##                                                         1 
##                                          That Means a Lot 
##                                                         2 
##                                        That'll Be the Day 
##                                                         2 
##                                   That's All Right (Mama) 
##                                                         2 
##                               The Ballad of John and Yoko 
##                                                         1 
##                     The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   The End 
##                                                         2 
##                                      The Fool on the Hill 
##                                                         3 
##                                        The Honeymoon Song 
##                                                         2 
##                                           The Inner Light 
##                                                         2 
##                                 The Long and Winding Road 
##                                                         3 
##                                          The Night Before 
##                                                         1 
##                                                The Saints 
##                                                         2 
##                                        The Sheik of Araby 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  The Word 
##                                                         2 
##                                           There's a Place 
##                                                         1 
##                                      Things We Said Today 
##                                                         1 
##                                        Think for Yourself 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  This Boy 
##                                                         1 
##                                           Three Cool Cats 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Ticket to Ride 
##                                                         3 
##                                        Till There Was You 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Tip of My Tongue 
##                                                         2 
##                                To Know Her is to Love Her 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Tomorrow Never Knows 
##                                                         3 
##                                  Too Much Monkey Business 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Twist and Shout 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Two of Us 
##                                                         1 
##                                                      Wait 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Watching Rainbows 
##                                                         2 
##                                        We Can Work It Out 
##                                                         3 
##                                              What Goes On 
##                                                         2 
##                                         What You're Doing 
##                                                         2 
##                                  What's The New Mary Jane 
##                                                         2 
##                                           When I Get Home 
##                                                         1 
##                                       When I'm Sixty-Four 
##                                                         3 
##                              While My Guitar Gently Weeps 
##                                                         3 
##                           Why Don't We Do It in the Road? 
##                                                         1 
##                                            Wild Honey Pie 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Winston's Walk 
##                                                         2 
##                        With a Little Help from My Friends 
##                                                         3 
##                                    Within You Without You 
##                                                         1 
##                                                     Woman 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Words of Love 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Yellow Submarine 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Yer Blues 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Yes It Is 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Yesterday 
##                                                         3 
##                                         You Can't Do That 
##                                                         1 
##                     You Know My Name (Look Up the Number) 
##                                                         2 
##                                       You Know What to Do 
##                                                         2 
##                                      You Like Me Too Much 
##                                                         1 
##                              You Never Give Me Your Money 
##                                                         2 
##                                          You Won't See Me 
##                                                         1 
##                                            You'll Be Mine 
##                                                         2 
##                            You're Going to Lose That Girl 
##                                                         2 
##                         You've Got to Hide Your Love Away 
##                                                         3 
##                            You've Really Got a Hold on Me 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Young Blood 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Your Mother Should Know 
##                                                         1 
## Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:
## [1] 8.245325 3.317424 5.057079
##  (between_SS / total_SS =  74.6 %)
## Available components:
## [1] "cluster"      "centers"      "totss"        "withinss"    
## [5] "tot.withinss" "betweenss"    "size"         "iter"        
## [9] "ifault"

The meaning of parameters in the report:

  • withinss (within_SS) - within cluster sum of squares, i.e., sum of squared differences between individual data points in a cluster and the cluster center; it is computed for each cluster
  • totss (total_SS) - the sum of squared differences of each data point to the global sample mean
  • betweenss (between_SS) - the sum of squared differences of each cluster center to the global sample mean; the squared difference of each cluster center to the global sample mean is multiplied by the number of data points in that cluster
  • tot.withinss - the sum of squared differences between data points and cluster centers (the sum of within_SS for all the clusters)
  • between_SS / totat_SS - indicates how well the sample splits into clusters; the higher the ratio, the better clustering

Add the vector of clusters to the dataframe:
<normalized dataframe>$<new column> <- factor(<clusters>$cluster) # <clusters>: from the previous step
head(<normalized dataframe>)

the.beatles.songs.num.2$Cluster <- factor(clusters.K3$cluster)
##                            Other.releases Covered.by Cluster
## 12-Bar Original                 0.0000000          0       2
## A Day in the Life               0.3927987          1       3
## A Hard Day's Night              1.0000000          1       3
## A Shot of Rhythm and Blues      0.0000000          0       2
## A Taste of Honey                0.9492635          0       1
## Across the Universe             0.6219313          1       3

Plot the clusters in a new scatterplot, using plotClusters() utility function:
source("Plot clusters.R")
plotClusters() <- function(dataset, # dataset with the cluster column
+ xcol, # dataset column for the x-axis, passed as a string
+ ycol, # dataset column for the y-axis, passed as a string
+ clustercol, # dataset column showing the clusters, passed as a string
+ title, # plot title
+ x.label, # x-axis label
+ y.label, # y-axis label
+ legend.label, # plot legend label
+ show.centers.flag, # plot cluster centers if TRUE
+ clusters) { # clusters computed by kmeans() in a previous step

source("Plot clusters.R")
             "Clusters: (Other.releases, Covered.by), normalized",

Optimal value for K

Find the optimal value for K, using the Elbow method (a call to the appropriate utility function); an appropriate dataframe should be passed as the parameter (just numeric variables, no clusters):
source("Elbow method.R")
<elbow parameters> <- getElbowMethodParameters(<dataframe>[, c(<n1>, <n2>, ...)]) # leave out the cluster column
<elbow parameters>
plotElbow(<elbow parameters>)

source("Elbow method.R")
elbow.2 <- getElbowMethodParameters(the.beatles.songs.num.2[, c(1,2)])   # remove the Cluster column
##   cluster tot.withinss between_SS / total_SS
## 1       2    27.784582             0.5752468
## 2       3    16.619828             0.7459265
## 3       4    11.367590             0.8262194
## 4       5     8.106076             0.8760794
## 5       6     6.345421             0.9029952
## 6       7     5.040072             0.9229506
## 7       8     4.171462             0.9362293

Show differences in tot.withinss for different values of K more precisely, using the getDifferences() utility function:
source("Elbow method.R")
<diff dataframe> <-
+ data.frame(K = <n1>:<n2>,
+ diff.tot.withinss =
+ getDifferences(<elbow stats>$<tot.withinss>), # from the previous step
+ diff.ratio =
+ getDifferences(<elbow stats>$<ratio between_SS / total_SS>)) # from the previous step
names(<diff dataframe>) <- c("K", "Difference in tot.withinss", "Difference in between_SS / total_SS")
<diff dataframe>

df.differences <- data.frame(K = 2:8, 
                             getDifferences(elbow.2[, 2]), 
                             getDifferences(elbow.2[, 3]))
names(df.differences) <- c("K", "Difference in tot.withinss", "Difference in between_SS / total_SS")
##   K Difference in tot.withinss Difference in between_SS / total_SS
## 1 2                         NA                                  NA
## 2 3                 11.1647543                          0.17067974
## 3 4                  5.2522373                          0.08029290
## 4 5                  3.2615145                          0.04985998
## 5 6                  1.7606546                          0.02691578
## 6 7                  1.3053496                          0.01995536
## 7 8                  0.8686101                          0.01327877

K-Means for K = 4

Run K-Means also for K = 4:

the.beatles.songs.num.2 <- the.beatles.songs.num.2[, -3]    # remove the Cluster column for the new run
clusters.K4 <- kmeans(x = the.beatles.songs.num.2, centers = 4, iter.max = 20, nstart = 1000)
## K-means clustering with 4 clusters of sizes 58, 98, 41, 113
## Cluster means:
##   Other.releases  Covered.by
## 1    0.588605452 0.912931034
## 2    0.003340125 0.005102041
## 3    0.767115085 0.186585366
## 4    0.320959402 0.189380531
## Clustering vector:
##                                           12-Bar Original 
##                                                         2 
##                                         A Day in the Life 
##                                                         1 
##                                        A Hard Day's Night 
##                                                         1 
##                                A Shot of Rhythm and Blues 
##                                                         2 
##                                          A Taste of Honey 
##                                                         3 
##                                       Across the Universe 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Act Naturally 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Ain't She Sweet 
##                                                         4 
##                                        All I've Got to Do 
##                                                         4 
##                                             All My Loving 
##                                                         1 
##                                      All Things Must Pass 
##                                                         2 
##                                          All Together Now 
##                                                         4 
##                                      All You Need Is Love 
##                                                         1 
##                                            And I Love Her 
##                                                         1 
##                                    And Your Bird Can Sing 
##                                                         4 
##                                          Anna (Go to Him) 
##                                                         4 
##                                              Another Girl 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Any Time at All 
##                                                         4 
##                                                Ask Me Why 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Baby It's You 
##                                                         3 
##                                           Baby's in Black 
##                                                         3 
##                                   Baby, You're a Rich Man 
##                                                         4 
##                                      Back in the U.S.S.R. 
##                                                         1 
##                                                   Bad Boy 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Bad to Me 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Beautiful Dreamer 
##                                                         2 
##                             Because I Know You Love Me So 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Because 
##                                                         1 
##                        Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  Birthday 
##                                                         4 
##                                                 Blackbird 
##                                                         1 
##                                              Blue Jay Way 
##                                                         4 
##                                                      Boys 
##                                                         3 
##                                              Bésame Mucho 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Can't Buy Me Love 
##                                                         1 
##                                                     Carol 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Carry That Weight 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  Catswalk 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Cayenne 
##                                                         2 
##                                                    Chains 
##                                                         3 
##                                           Child of Nature 
##                                                         2 
##                            Christmas Time (Is Here Again) 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Circles 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Clarabella 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Come and Get It 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Come Together 
##                                                         1 
##                                              Cry Baby Cry 
##                                                         4 
##                                          Cry for a Shadow 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Crying, Waiting, Hoping 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Day Tripper 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Dear Prudence 
##                                                         1 
##                                        Devil in Her Heart 
##                                                         4 
##                                                Dig a Pony 
##                                                         4 
##                                                    Dig It 
##                                                         4 
##                                         Dizzy, Miss Lizzy 
##                                                         3 
##                             Do You Want to Know a Secret? 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Doctor Robert 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Don't Bother Me 
##                                                         4 
##                                         Don't Ever Change 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Don't Let Me Down 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Don't Pass Me By 
##                                                         4 
##                                              Drive My Car 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Eight Days a Week 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Eleanor Rigby 
##                                                         1 
##                                                  Etcetera 
##                                                         2 
##                                        Every Little Thing 
##                                                         4 
## Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey 
##                                                         4 
##                          Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby 
##                                                         3 
##                                 Fancy My Chances with You 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Fixing a Hole 
##                                                         4 
##                                                    Flying 
##                                                         4 
##                                                For No One 
##                                                         4 
##                                              For You Blue 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Free as a Bird 
##                                                         2 
##                                            From Me to You 
##                                                         3 
##                                            From Us to You 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  Get Back 
##                                                         1 
##                                            Getting Better 
##                                                         4 
##                                                      Girl 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Glad All Over 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Glass Onion 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Golden Slumbers 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Good Day Sunshine 
##                                                         4 
##                                Good Morning, Good Morning 
##                                                         4 
##                                                Good Night 
##                                                         4 
##                                                   Goodbye 
##                                                         2 
##                               Got to Get You into My Life 
##                                                         4 
##                                 Hallelujah, I Love Her So 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Happiness Is a Warm Gun 
##                                                         4 
##                                                   Heather 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Hello Little Girl 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Hello, Goodbye 
##                                                         4 
##                                                     Help! 
##                                                         1 
##                                            Helter Skelter 
##                                                         1 
##                                               Her Majesty 
##                                                         4 
##                                        Here Comes the Sun 
##                                                         1 
##                                Here, There and Everywhere 
##                                                         1 
##                                               Hey Bulldog 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  Hey Jude 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Hippy Hippy Shake 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Hold Me Tight 
##                                                         4 
##                                               Honey Don't 
##                                                         4 
##                                                 Honey Pie 
##                                                         4 
##                                         How Do You Do It? 
##                                                         2 
##                                           I Am the Walrus 
##                                                         1 
##                                          I Call Your Name 
##                                                         4 
##                           I Don't Want to Spoil the Party 
##                                                         4 
##                                               I Feel Fine 
##                                                         3 
##                            I Forgot to Remember to Forget 
##                                                         2 
##                                             I Got a Woman 
##                                                         2 
##                                     I Got to Find My Baby 
##                                                         2 
##                                   I Just Don't Understand 
##                                                         2 
##                                     I Lost My Little Girl 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 I Me Mine 
##                                                         4 
##                                                I Need You 
##                                                         4 
##                                  I Saw Her Standing There 
##                                                         1 
##                                I Should Have Known Better 
##                                                         3 
##                                       I Wanna Be Your Man 
##                                                         3 
##                                  I Want to Hold Your Hand 
##                                                         1 
##                                        I Want to Tell You 
##                                                         4 
##                               I Want You (She's So Heavy) 
##                                                         1 
##                                                    I Will 
##                                                         4 
##                                              I'll Be Back 
##                                                         4 
##                                         I'll Be on My Way 
##                                                         2 
##                                          I'll Cry Instead 
##                                                         4 
##                                       I'll Follow the Sun 
##                                                         3 
##                                              I'll Get You 
##                                                         4 
##                                   I'll Keep You Satisfied 
##                                                         2 
##                                               I'm a Loser 
##                                                         3 
##                                                  I'm Down 
##                                                         3 
##               I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You) 
##                                                         2 
##                          I'm Happy Just to Dance with You 
##                                                         4 
##                                               I'm In Love 
##                                                         2 
##                                   I'm Looking Through You 
##                                                         4 
##                                         I'm Only Sleeping 
##                                                         4 
##                                              I'm So Tired 
##                                                         4 
##                         I'm Talking About You (Star Club) 
##                                                         2 
##                               I'm Talking About You (BBC) 
##                                                         2 
##                                        I've Got a Feeling 
##                                                         4 
##                                     I've Just Seen a Face 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 If I Fell 
##                                                         1 
##                                       If I Needed Someone 
##                                                         4 
##                                     If You've Got Trouble 
##                                                         2 
##                                                In My Life 
##                                                         1 
##                                In Spite of All the Danger 
##                                                         2 
##                                          It Won't Be Long 
##                                                         4 
##                                         It's All Too Much 
##                                                         4 
##                                            It's Only Love 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Jazz Piano Song 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Jessie's Dream 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Johnny B. Goode 
##                                                         2 
##                                                     Julia 
##                                                         4 
##                                                      Junk 
##                                                         2 
##                            Kansas City/Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey 
##                                                         4 
##                               Keep Your Hands Off My Baby 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand 
##                                                         4 
##                                              Lady Madonna 
##                                                         1 
##                                     Leave My Kitten Alone 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Lend Me Your Comb 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Let It Be 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Like Dreamers Do 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Little Child 
##                                                         4 
##                                 Lonesome Tears in My Eyes 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Long Tall Sally 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Long, Long, Long 
##                                                         4 
##                                             Looking Glass 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Love Me Do 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Love of the Loved 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Love You To 
##                                                         4 
##                                               Lovely Rita 
##                                                         4 
##                                                   Lucille 
##                                                         2 
##                             Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds 
##                                                         1 
##                                                    Madman 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Maggie Mae 
##                                                         4 
##                                      Magical Mystery Tour 
##                                                         3 
##                           Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Martha My Dear 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  Matchbox 
##                                                         3 
##                                   Maxwell's Silver Hammer 
##                                                         4 
##                                          Mean Mr. Mustard 
##                                                         4 
##                                        Memphis, Tennessee 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  Michelle 
##                                                         1 
##                                                    Misery 
##                                                         3 
##                                Money (That's What I Want) 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Moonlight Bay 
##                                                         2 
##                                       Mother Nature's Son 
##                                                         4 
##                                             Mr. Moonlight 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 My Bonnie 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  No Reply 
##                                                         4 
##                      Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Not a Second Time 
##                                                         4 
##                                                Not Guilty 
##                                                         2 
##             Nothin' Shakin' (But the Leaves on the Trees) 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Nowhere Man 
##                                                         1 
##                                        Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Octopus's Garden 
##                                                         4 
##                                               Oh! Darling 
##                                                         1 
##                                            Old Brown Shoe 
##                                                         4 
##                                             One After 909 
##                                                         3 
##                                        One and One Is Two 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Only a Northern Song 
##                                                         4 
##                                              Ooh! My Soul 
##                                                         2 
##                                           P.S. I Love You 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Paperback Writer 
##                                                         3 
##                                                Penny Lane 
##                                                         1 
##                                                   Piggies 
##                                                         4 
##                                        Please Mr. Postman 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Please Please Me 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Polythene Pam 
##                                                         4 
##                                                      Rain 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Real Love 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Revolution 1 
##                                                         4 
##                                              Revolution 9 
##                                                         4 
##                                                Revolution 
##                                                         1 
##        Rip It Up/Shake, Rattle, and Roll/Blue Suede Shoes 
##                                                         2 
##                                       Rock and Roll Music 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Rocky Raccoon 
##                                                         4 
##                                       Roll Over Beethoven 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Run for Your Life 
##                                                         4 
##                                             Savoy Truffle 
##                                                         4 
##                                                 Searchin' 
##                                                         2 
##                                     September in the Rain 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Sexy Sadie 
##                                                         4 
##           Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 
##                                                         4 
##                     Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 
##                                                         1 
##                                    Shakin' in the Sixties 
##                                                         2 
##                   She Came in Through the Bathroom Window 
##                                                         4 
##                                             She Loves You 
##                                                         1 
##                                         She Said She Said 
##                                                         4 
##                                             She's a Woman 
##                                                         3 
##                                        She's Leaving Home 
##                                                         1 
##                                                     Shout 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Sie Liebt Dich 
##                                                         4 
##                                                 Slow Down 
##                                                         3 
##                             So How Come (No One Loves Me) 
##                                                         2 
##                      Soldier of Love (Lay Down Your Arms) 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Some Other Guy 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Something 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Sour Milk Sea 
##                                                         2 
##                            Step Inside Love/Los Paranoias 
##                                                         2 
##                                 Strawberry Fields Forever 
##                                                         1 
##                                                  Sun King 
##                                                         4 
##                           Sure to Fall (In Love with You) 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Sweet Little Sixteen 
##                                                         2 
##                                 Take Good Care of My Baby 
##                                                         2 
##                                 Taking a Trip to Carolina 
##                                                         2 
##                                                    Taxman 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Teddy Boy 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Tell Me What You See 
##                                                         4 
##                                               Tell Me Why 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Thank You Girl 
##                                                         3 
##                                          That Means a Lot 
##                                                         2 
##                                        That'll Be the Day 
##                                                         2 
##                                   That's All Right (Mama) 
##                                                         2 
##                               The Ballad of John and Yoko 
##                                                         4 
##                     The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill 
##                                                         4 
##                                                   The End 
##                                                         4 
##                                      The Fool on the Hill 
##                                                         1 
##                                        The Honeymoon Song 
##                                                         2 
##                                           The Inner Light 
##                                                         4 
##                                 The Long and Winding Road 
##                                                         1 
##                                          The Night Before 
##                                                         4 
##                                                The Saints 
##                                                         2 
##                                        The Sheik of Araby 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  The Word 
##                                                         4 
##                                           There's a Place 
##                                                         3 
##                                      Things We Said Today 
##                                                         3 
##                                        Think for Yourself 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  This Boy 
##                                                         3 
##                                           Three Cool Cats 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Ticket to Ride 
##                                                         1 
##                                        Till There Was You 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Tip of My Tongue 
##                                                         2 
##                                To Know Her is to Love Her 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Tomorrow Never Knows 
##                                                         1 
##                                  Too Much Monkey Business 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Twist and Shout 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 Two of Us 
##                                                         4 
##                                                      Wait 
##                                                         4 
##                                         Watching Rainbows 
##                                                         2 
##                                        We Can Work It Out 
##                                                         1 
##                                              What Goes On 
##                                                         4 
##                                         What You're Doing 
##                                                         4 
##                                  What's The New Mary Jane 
##                                                         2 
##                                           When I Get Home 
##                                                         4 
##                                       When I'm Sixty-Four 
##                                                         1 
##                              While My Guitar Gently Weeps 
##                                                         1 
##                           Why Don't We Do It in the Road? 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Wild Honey Pie 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Winston's Walk 
##                                                         2 
##                        With a Little Help from My Friends 
##                                                         1 
##                                    Within You Without You 
##                                                         4 
##                                                     Woman 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Words of Love 
##                                                         4 
##                                          Yellow Submarine 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 Yer Blues 
##                                                         4 
##                                                 Yes It Is 
##                                                         4 
##                                                 Yesterday 
##                                                         1 
##                                         You Can't Do That 
##                                                         3 
##                     You Know My Name (Look Up the Number) 
##                                                         2 
##                                       You Know What to Do 
##                                                         2 
##                                      You Like Me Too Much 
##                                                         4 
##                              You Never Give Me Your Money 
##                                                         4 
##                                          You Won't See Me 
##                                                         4 
##                                            You'll Be Mine 
##                                                         2 
##                            You're Going to Lose That Girl 
##                                                         4 
##                         You've Got to Hide Your Love Away 
##                                                         1 
##                            You've Really Got a Hold on Me 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Young Blood 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Your Mother Should Know 
##                                                         4 
## Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:
## [1] 4.9866854 0.1313566 2.3811301 3.8684182
##  (between_SS / total_SS =  82.6 %)
## Available components:
## [1] "cluster"      "centers"      "totss"        "withinss"    
## [5] "tot.withinss" "betweenss"    "size"         "iter"        
## [9] "ifault"
the.beatles.songs.num.2$Cluster <- factor(clusters.K4$cluster)
##                            Other.releases Covered.by Cluster
## 12-Bar Original                 0.0000000          0       2
## A Day in the Life               0.3927987          1       1
## A Hard Day's Night              1.0000000          1       1
## A Shot of Rhythm and Blues      0.0000000          0       2
## A Taste of Honey                0.9492635          0       3
## Across the Universe             0.6219313          1       1
source("Plot clusters.R")
             "Clusters: (Other.releases, Covered.by), normalized",

Examine clusters more closely by looking into the cluster centers (means) and standard deviations from the centers. In doing so, use ‘regular’ (not normalized) features and the summarizeClusterStats() utility function:
source("Summary statistics about clusters.R")
<stats dataframe> <-
+ summarizeClusterStats(feature.set = <dataframe with 'regular' (not normalized) features>,
+ clusters = <clusters>$cluster, # <clusters>: result of kmeans()
+ cl.num = <K>) # <K>: number of clusters
Compare dispersion (sd) in this representation of the data and in the corresponding plots.`

source("Summary statistics about clusters.R")
clusters.K3.stats <- summarizeClusterStats(feature.set = the.beatles.songs.num.1, 
                                           clusters = clusters.K3$cluster, cl.num = 3)
clusters.K4.stats <- summarizeClusterStats(feature.set = the.beatles.songs.num.1, 
                                           clusters = clusters.K4$cluster, cl.num = 4)

K-Means with all variables

Data normalization:

the.beatles.songs.num.4 <- 
                     type = "n4", 
                     normalization = "column")
##                                     Duration Other.releases Covered.by
## You'll Be Mine                    0.04395797     0.00000000       0.00
## You're Going to Lose That Girl    0.33817863     0.19639935       0.10
## You've Got to Hide Your Love Away 0.27513135     0.39279869       1.00
## You've Really Got a Hold on Me    0.63239930     0.06546645       0.00
## Young Blood                       0.17005254     0.00000000       0.00
## Your Mother Should Know           0.40122592     0.42553191       0.05
##                                   Top.50.Billboard
## You'll Be Mine                                   0
## You're Going to Lose That Girl                   0
## You've Got to Hide Your Love Away                0
## You've Really Got a Hold on Me                   0
## Young Blood                                      0
## Your Mother Should Know                          0

Find the optimal value for K, using the Elbow method (a call to the appropriate utility function):

source("Elbow method.R")
elbow.4 <- getElbowMethodParameters(the.beatles.songs.num.4)
##   cluster tot.withinss between_SS / total_SS
## 1       2     57.11964             0.4301936
## 2       3     45.92685             0.5418492
## 3       4     35.76960             0.6431745
## 4       5     27.82075             0.7224695
## 5       6     24.28521             0.7577389
## 6       7     21.46786             0.7858438
## 7       8     19.09187             0.8095459

Show differences in tot.withinss for different values of K more precisely, using the getDifferences() utility function:

df.differences <- data.frame(K = 2:8, 
                             getDifferences(elbow.4[, 2]), 
                             getDifferences(elbow.4[, 3]))
names(df.differences) <- c("K", "Difference in tot.withinss", "Difference in between_SS / total_SS")
##   K Difference in tot.withinss Difference in between_SS / total_SS
## 1 2                         NA                                  NA
## 2 3                  11.192793                          0.11165555
## 3 4                  10.157254                          0.10132536
## 4 5                   7.948846                          0.07929502
## 5 6                   3.535538                          0.03526934
## 6 7                   2.817348                          0.02810492
## 7 8                   2.375991                          0.02370209

Run K-Means for K = 3, since K = 3 seems to be the best value for K:

clusters.K3.all.vars <- kmeans(x = the.beatles.songs.num.4, centers = 3, iter.max = 20, nstart = 1000)
## K-means clustering with 3 clusters of sizes 112, 135, 63
## Cluster means:
##    Duration Other.releases Covered.by Top.50.Billboard
## 1 0.4690799     0.48754968 0.20446429      0.035000000
## 2 0.3746786     0.06789113 0.03518519      0.003851852
## 3 0.5731271     0.60977321 0.87063492      0.329206349
## Clustering vector:
##                                           12-Bar Original 
##                                                         2 
##                                         A Day in the Life 
##                                                         3 
##                                        A Hard Day's Night 
##                                                         3 
##                                A Shot of Rhythm and Blues 
##                                                         2 
##                                          A Taste of Honey 
##                                                         1 
##                                       Across the Universe 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Act Naturally 
##                                                         1 
##                                           Ain't She Sweet 
##                                                         2 
##                                        All I've Got to Do 
##                                                         2 
##                                             All My Loving 
##                                                         3 
##                                      All Things Must Pass 
##                                                         2 
##                                          All Together Now 
##                                                         2 
##                                      All You Need Is Love 
##                                                         3 
##                                            And I Love Her 
##                                                         3 
##                                    And Your Bird Can Sing 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Anna (Go to Him) 
##                                                         1 
##                                              Another Girl 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Any Time at All 
##                                                         1 
##                                                Ask Me Why 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Baby It's You 
##                                                         1 
##                                           Baby's in Black 
##                                                         1 
##                                   Baby, You're a Rich Man 
##                                                         1 
##                                      Back in the U.S.S.R. 
##                                                         3 
##                                                   Bad Boy 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Bad to Me 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Beautiful Dreamer 
##                                                         2 
##                             Because I Know You Love Me So 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Because 
##                                                         3 
##                        Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 
##                                                         1 
##                                                  Birthday 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Blackbird 
##                                                         3 
##                                              Blue Jay Way 
##                                                         1 
##                                                      Boys 
##                                                         1 
##                                              Bésame Mucho 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Can't Buy Me Love 
##                                                         3 
##                                                     Carol 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Carry That Weight 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  Catswalk 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Cayenne 
##                                                         2 
##                                                    Chains 
##                                                         1 
##                                           Child of Nature 
##                                                         2 
##                            Christmas Time (Is Here Again) 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Circles 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Clarabella 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Come and Get It 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Come Together 
##                                                         3 
##                                              Cry Baby Cry 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Cry for a Shadow 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Crying, Waiting, Hoping 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Day Tripper 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Dear Prudence 
##                                                         3 
##                                        Devil in Her Heart 
##                                                         1 
##                                                Dig a Pony 
##                                                         1 
##                                                    Dig It 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Dizzy, Miss Lizzy 
##                                                         1 
##                             Do You Want to Know a Secret? 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Doctor Robert 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Don't Bother Me 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Don't Ever Change 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Don't Let Me Down 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Don't Pass Me By 
##                                                         1 
##                                              Drive My Car 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Eight Days a Week 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Eleanor Rigby 
##                                                         3 
##                                                  Etcetera 
##                                                         2 
##                                        Every Little Thing 
##                                                         2 
## Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey 
##                                                         1 
##                          Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby 
##                                                         1 
##                                 Fancy My Chances with You 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Fixing a Hole 
##                                                         2 
##                                                    Flying 
##                                                         1 
##                                                For No One 
##                                                         1 
##                                              For You Blue 
##                                                         1 
##                                            Free as a Bird 
##                                                         2 
##                                            From Me to You 
##                                                         1 
##                                            From Us to You 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  Get Back 
##                                                         3 
##                                            Getting Better 
##                                                         1 
##                                                      Girl 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Glad All Over 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Glass Onion 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Golden Slumbers 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Good Day Sunshine 
##                                                         2 
##                                Good Morning, Good Morning 
##                                                         1 
##                                                Good Night 
##                                                         1 
##                                                   Goodbye 
##                                                         2 
##                               Got to Get You into My Life 
##                                                         3 
##                                 Hallelujah, I Love Her So 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Happiness Is a Warm Gun 
##                                                         1 
##                                                   Heather 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Hello Little Girl 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Hello, Goodbye 
##                                                         3 
##                                                     Help! 
##                                                         3 
##                                            Helter Skelter 
##                                                         3 
##                                               Her Majesty 
##                                                         2 
##                                        Here Comes the Sun 
##                                                         3 
##                                Here, There and Everywhere 
##                                                         3 
##                                               Hey Bulldog 
##                                                         1 
##                                                  Hey Jude 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Hippy Hippy Shake 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Hold Me Tight 
##                                                         1 
##                                               Honey Don't 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Honey Pie 
##                                                         1 
##                                         How Do You Do It? 
##                                                         2 
##                                           I Am the Walrus 
##                                                         3 
##                                          I Call Your Name 
##                                                         1 
##                           I Don't Want to Spoil the Party 
##                                                         1 
##                                               I Feel Fine 
##                                                         3 
##                            I Forgot to Remember to Forget 
##                                                         2 
##                                             I Got a Woman 
##                                                         2 
##                                     I Got to Find My Baby 
##                                                         2 
##                                   I Just Don't Understand 
##                                                         2 
##                                     I Lost My Little Girl 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 I Me Mine 
##                                                         1 
##                                                I Need You 
##                                                         1 
##                                  I Saw Her Standing There 
##                                                         3 
##                                I Should Have Known Better 
##                                                         1 
##                                       I Wanna Be Your Man 
##                                                         1 
##                                  I Want to Hold Your Hand 
##                                                         3 
##                                        I Want to Tell You 
##                                                         2 
##                               I Want You (She's So Heavy) 
##                                                         3 
##                                                    I Will 
##                                                         1 
##                                              I'll Be Back 
##                                                         1 
##                                         I'll Be on My Way 
##                                                         2 
##                                          I'll Cry Instead 
##                                                         1 
##                                       I'll Follow the Sun 
##                                                         1 
##                                              I'll Get You 
##                                                         1 
##                                   I'll Keep You Satisfied 
##                                                         2 
##                                               I'm a Loser 
##                                                         1 
##                                                  I'm Down 
##                                                         1 
##               I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You) 
##                                                         2 
##                          I'm Happy Just to Dance with You 
##                                                         2 
##                                               I'm In Love 
##                                                         2 
##                                   I'm Looking Through You 
##                                                         1 
##                                         I'm Only Sleeping 
##                                                         1 
##                                              I'm So Tired 
##                                                         1 
##                         I'm Talking About You (Star Club) 
##                                                         2 
##                               I'm Talking About You (BBC) 
##                                                         2 
##                                        I've Got a Feeling 
##                                                         1 
##                                     I've Just Seen a Face 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 If I Fell 
##                                                         3 
##                                       If I Needed Someone 
##                                                         1 
##                                     If You've Got Trouble 
##                                                         2 
##                                                In My Life 
##                                                         3 
##                                In Spite of All the Danger 
##                                                         2 
##                                          It Won't Be Long 
##                                                         1 
##                                         It's All Too Much 
##                                                         1 
##                                            It's Only Love 
##                                                         1 
##                                           Jazz Piano Song 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Jessie's Dream 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Johnny B. Goode 
##                                                         2 
##                                                     Julia 
##                                                         1 
##                                                      Junk 
##                                                         2 
##                            Kansas City/Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey 
##                                                         2 
##                               Keep Your Hands Off My Baby 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Lady Madonna 
##                                                         3 
##                                     Leave My Kitten Alone 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Lend Me Your Comb 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Let It Be 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Like Dreamers Do 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Little Child 
##                                                         2 
##                                 Lonesome Tears in My Eyes 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Long Tall Sally 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Long, Long, Long 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Looking Glass 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Love Me Do 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Love of the Loved 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Love You To 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Lovely Rita 
##                                                         1 
##                                                   Lucille 
##                                                         2 
##                             Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds 
##                                                         3 
##                                                    Madman 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Maggie Mae 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Magical Mystery Tour 
##                                                         1 
##                           Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Martha My Dear 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  Matchbox 
##                                                         1 
##                                   Maxwell's Silver Hammer 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Mean Mr. Mustard 
##                                                         2 
##                                        Memphis, Tennessee 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  Michelle 
##                                                         3 
##                                                    Misery 
##                                                         1 
##                                Money (That's What I Want) 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Moonlight Bay 
##                                                         2 
##                                       Mother Nature's Son 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Mr. Moonlight 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 My Bonnie 
##                                                         1 
##                                                  No Reply 
##                                                         1 
##                      Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Not a Second Time 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Not Guilty 
##                                                         2 
##             Nothin' Shakin' (But the Leaves on the Trees) 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Nowhere Man 
##                                                         3 
##                                        Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Octopus's Garden 
##                                                         1 
##                                               Oh! Darling 
##                                                         3 
##                                            Old Brown Shoe 
##                                                         1 
##                                             One After 909 
##                                                         1 
##                                        One and One Is Two 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Only a Northern Song 
##                                                         1 
##                                              Ooh! My Soul 
##                                                         2 
##                                           P.S. I Love You 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Paperback Writer 
##                                                         3 
##                                                Penny Lane 
##                                                         3 
##                                                   Piggies 
##                                                         2 
##                                        Please Mr. Postman 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Please Please Me 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Polythene Pam 
##                                                         2 
##                                                      Rain 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 Real Love 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Revolution 1 
##                                                         1 
##                                              Revolution 9 
##                                                         1 
##                                                Revolution 
##                                                         3 
##        Rip It Up/Shake, Rattle, and Roll/Blue Suede Shoes 
##                                                         2 
##                                       Rock and Roll Music 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Rocky Raccoon 
##                                                         1 
##                                       Roll Over Beethoven 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Run for Your Life 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Savoy Truffle 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Searchin' 
##                                                         2 
##                                     September in the Rain 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Sexy Sadie 
##                                                         1 
##           Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 
##                                                         2 
##                     Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 
##                                                         3 
##                                    Shakin' in the Sixties 
##                                                         2 
##                   She Came in Through the Bathroom Window 
##                                                         2 
##                                             She Loves You 
##                                                         3 
##                                         She Said She Said 
##                                                         1 
##                                             She's a Woman 
##                                                         1 
##                                        She's Leaving Home 
##                                                         3 
##                                                     Shout 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Sie Liebt Dich 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Slow Down 
##                                                         1 
##                             So How Come (No One Loves Me) 
##                                                         2 
##                      Soldier of Love (Lay Down Your Arms) 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Some Other Guy 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Something 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Sour Milk Sea 
##                                                         2 
##                            Step Inside Love/Los Paranoias 
##                                                         2 
##                                 Strawberry Fields Forever 
##                                                         3 
##                                                  Sun King 
##                                                         2 
##                           Sure to Fall (In Love with You) 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Sweet Little Sixteen 
##                                                         2 
##                                 Take Good Care of My Baby 
##                                                         2 
##                                 Taking a Trip to Carolina 
##                                                         2 
##                                                    Taxman 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 Teddy Boy 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Tell Me What You See 
##                                                         1 
##                                               Tell Me Why 
##                                                         1 
##                                            Thank You Girl 
##                                                         1 
##                                          That Means a Lot 
##                                                         2 
##                                        That'll Be the Day 
##                                                         2 
##                                   That's All Right (Mama) 
##                                                         2 
##                               The Ballad of John and Yoko 
##                                                         1 
##                     The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill 
##                                                         1 
##                                                   The End 
##                                                         2 
##                                      The Fool on the Hill 
##                                                         3 
##                                        The Honeymoon Song 
##                                                         2 
##                                           The Inner Light 
##                                                         1 
##                                 The Long and Winding Road 
##                                                         3 
##                                          The Night Before 
##                                                         1 
##                                                The Saints 
##                                                         2 
##                                        The Sheik of Araby 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  The Word 
##                                                         2 
##                                           There's a Place 
##                                                         1 
##                                      Things We Said Today 
##                                                         1 
##                                        Think for Yourself 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  This Boy 
##                                                         1 
##                                           Three Cool Cats 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Ticket to Ride 
##                                                         3 
##                                        Till There Was You 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Tip of My Tongue 
##                                                         2 
##                                To Know Her is to Love Her 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Tomorrow Never Knows 
##                                                         3 
##                                  Too Much Monkey Business 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Twist and Shout 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Two of Us 
##                                                         1 
##                                                      Wait 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Watching Rainbows 
##                                                         2 
##                                        We Can Work It Out 
##                                                         3 
##                                              What Goes On 
##                                                         1 
##                                         What You're Doing 
##                                                         2 
##                                  What's The New Mary Jane 
##                                                         2 
##                                           When I Get Home 
##                                                         1 
##                                       When I'm Sixty-Four 
##                                                         3 
##                              While My Guitar Gently Weeps 
##                                                         3 
##                           Why Don't We Do It in the Road? 
##                                                         1 
##                                            Wild Honey Pie 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Winston's Walk 
##                                                         2 
##                        With a Little Help from My Friends 
##                                                         3 
##                                    Within You Without You 
##                                                         1 
##                                                     Woman 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Words of Love 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Yellow Submarine 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 Yer Blues 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Yes It Is 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Yesterday 
##                                                         3 
##                                         You Can't Do That 
##                                                         1 
##                     You Know My Name (Look Up the Number) 
##                                                         2 
##                                       You Know What to Do 
##                                                         2 
##                                      You Like Me Too Much 
##                                                         1 
##                              You Never Give Me Your Money 
##                                                         1 
##                                          You Won't See Me 
##                                                         1 
##                                            You'll Be Mine 
##                                                         2 
##                            You're Going to Lose That Girl 
##                                                         2 
##                         You've Got to Hide Your Love Away 
##                                                         3 
##                            You've Really Got a Hold on Me 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Young Blood 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Your Mother Should Know 
##                                                         1 
## Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:
## [1] 16.019939  9.727616 20.179295
##  (between_SS / total_SS =  54.2 %)
## Available components:
## [1] "cluster"      "centers"      "totss"        "withinss"    
## [5] "tot.withinss" "betweenss"    "size"         "iter"        
## [9] "ifault"

Run K-Means also for K = 4, since K = 4 seems to be the next best value for K:

clusters.K4.all.vars <- kmeans(x = the.beatles.songs.num.4, centers = 4, iter.max = 20, nstart = 1000)
## K-means clustering with 4 clusters of sizes 31, 99, 46, 134
## Cluster means:
##    Duration Other.releases Covered.by Top.50.Billboard
## 1 0.5284278     0.85169738 0.77096774      0.684516129
## 2 0.4715880     0.48592306 0.16464646      0.016767677
## 3 0.5805490     0.40742190 0.81086957      0.038695652
## 4 0.3690436     0.06668784 0.03731343      0.003880597
## Clustering vector:
##                                           12-Bar Original 
##                                                         4 
##                                         A Day in the Life 
##                                                         3 
##                                        A Hard Day's Night 
##                                                         1 
##                                A Shot of Rhythm and Blues 
##                                                         4 
##                                          A Taste of Honey 
##                                                         2 
##                                       Across the Universe 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Act Naturally 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Ain't She Sweet 
##                                                         4 
##                                        All I've Got to Do 
##                                                         4 
##                                             All My Loving 
##                                                         3 
##                                      All Things Must Pass 
##                                                         4 
##                                          All Together Now 
##                                                         4 
##                                      All You Need Is Love 
##                                                         1 
##                                            And I Love Her 
##                                                         1 
##                                    And Your Bird Can Sing 
##                                                         2 
##                                          Anna (Go to Him) 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Another Girl 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Any Time at All 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Ask Me Why 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Baby It's You 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Baby's in Black 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Baby, You're a Rich Man 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Back in the U.S.S.R. 
##                                                         3 
##                                                   Bad Boy 
##                                                         4 
##                                                 Bad to Me 
##                                                         4 
##                                         Beautiful Dreamer 
##                                                         4 
##                             Because I Know You Love Me So 
##                                                         4 
##                                                   Because 
##                                                         3 
##                        Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 
##                                                         3 
##                                                  Birthday 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Blackbird 
##                                                         3 
##                                              Blue Jay Way 
##                                                         2 
##                                                      Boys 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Bésame Mucho 
##                                                         4 
##                                         Can't Buy Me Love 
##                                                         1 
##                                                     Carol 
##                                                         4 
##                                         Carry That Weight 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  Catswalk 
##                                                         4 
##                                                   Cayenne 
##                                                         4 
##                                                    Chains 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Child of Nature 
##                                                         4 
##                            Christmas Time (Is Here Again) 
##                                                         4 
##                                                   Circles 
##                                                         4 
##                                                Clarabella 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Come and Get It 
##                                                         4 
##                                             Come Together 
##                                                         1 
##                                              Cry Baby Cry 
##                                                         2 
##                                          Cry for a Shadow 
##                                                         4 
##                                   Crying, Waiting, Hoping 
##                                                         4 
##                                               Day Tripper 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Dear Prudence 
##                                                         3 
##                                        Devil in Her Heart 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Dig a Pony 
##                                                         2 
##                                                    Dig It 
##                                                         4 
##                                         Dizzy, Miss Lizzy 
##                                                         2 
##                             Do You Want to Know a Secret? 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Doctor Robert 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Don't Bother Me 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Don't Ever Change 
##                                                         4 
##                                         Don't Let Me Down 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Don't Pass Me By 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Drive My Car 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Eight Days a Week 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Eleanor Rigby 
##                                                         3 
##                                                  Etcetera 
##                                                         4 
##                                        Every Little Thing 
##                                                         4 
## Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey 
##                                                         2 
##                          Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby 
##                                                         2 
##                                 Fancy My Chances with You 
##                                                         4 
##                                             Fixing a Hole 
##                                                         4 
##                                                    Flying 
##                                                         2 
##                                                For No One 
##                                                         2 
##                                              For You Blue 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Free as a Bird 
##                                                         4 
##                                            From Me to You 
##                                                         2 
##                                            From Us to You 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  Get Back 
##                                                         1 
##                                            Getting Better 
##                                                         3 
##                                                      Girl 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Glad All Over 
##                                                         4 
##                                               Glass Onion 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Golden Slumbers 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Good Day Sunshine 
##                                                         4 
##                                Good Morning, Good Morning 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Good Night 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Goodbye 
##                                                         4 
##                               Got to Get You into My Life 
##                                                         3 
##                                 Hallelujah, I Love Her So 
##                                                         4 
##                                   Happiness Is a Warm Gun 
##                                                         3 
##                                                   Heather 
##                                                         4 
##                                         Hello Little Girl 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Hello, Goodbye 
##                                                         1 
##                                                     Help! 
##                                                         1 
##                                            Helter Skelter 
##                                                         3 
##                                               Her Majesty 
##                                                         4 
##                                        Here Comes the Sun 
##                                                         3 
##                                Here, There and Everywhere 
##                                                         3 
##                                               Hey Bulldog 
##                                                         3 
##                                                  Hey Jude 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Hippy Hippy Shake 
##                                                         4 
##                                             Hold Me Tight 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Honey Don't 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Honey Pie 
##                                                         2 
##                                         How Do You Do It? 
##                                                         4 
##                                           I Am the Walrus 
##                                                         3 
##                                          I Call Your Name 
##                                                         2 
##                           I Don't Want to Spoil the Party 
##                                                         2 
##                                               I Feel Fine 
##                                                         1 
##                            I Forgot to Remember to Forget 
##                                                         4 
##                                             I Got a Woman 
##                                                         4 
##                                     I Got to Find My Baby 
##                                                         4 
##                                   I Just Don't Understand 
##                                                         4 
##                                     I Lost My Little Girl 
##                                                         4 
##                                                 I Me Mine 
##                                                         2 
##                                                I Need You 
##                                                         2 
##                                  I Saw Her Standing There 
##                                                         1 
##                                I Should Have Known Better 
##                                                         2 
##                                       I Wanna Be Your Man 
##                                                         2 
##                                  I Want to Hold Your Hand 
##                                                         1 
##                                        I Want to Tell You 
##                                                         4 
##                               I Want You (She's So Heavy) 
##                                                         3 
##                                                    I Will 
##                                                         3 
##                                              I'll Be Back 
##                                                         2 
##                                         I'll Be on My Way 
##                                                         4 
##                                          I'll Cry Instead 
##                                                         2 
##                                       I'll Follow the Sun 
##                                                         2 
##                                              I'll Get You 
##                                                         2 
##                                   I'll Keep You Satisfied 
##                                                         4 
##                                               I'm a Loser 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  I'm Down 
##                                                         2 
##               I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You) 
##                                                         4 
##                          I'm Happy Just to Dance with You 
##                                                         4 
##                                               I'm In Love 
##                                                         4 
##                                   I'm Looking Through You 
##                                                         2 
##                                         I'm Only Sleeping 
##                                                         2 
##                                              I'm So Tired 
##                                                         2 
##                         I'm Talking About You (Star Club) 
##                                                         4 
##                               I'm Talking About You (BBC) 
##                                                         4 
##                                        I've Got a Feeling 
##                                                         2 
##                                     I've Just Seen a Face 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 If I Fell 
##                                                         3 
##                                       If I Needed Someone 
##                                                         2 
##                                     If You've Got Trouble 
##                                                         4 
##                                                In My Life 
##                                                         3 
##                                In Spite of All the Danger 
##                                                         4 
##                                          It Won't Be Long 
##                                                         2 
##                                         It's All Too Much 
##                                                         2 
##                                            It's Only Love 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Jazz Piano Song 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Jessie's Dream 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Johnny B. Goode 
##                                                         4 
##                                                     Julia 
##                                                         2 
##                                                      Junk 
##                                                         4 
##                            Kansas City/Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey 
##                                                         4 
##                               Keep Your Hands Off My Baby 
##                                                         4 
##                                   Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand 
##                                                         4 
##                                              Lady Madonna 
##                                                         1 
##                                     Leave My Kitten Alone 
##                                                         4 
##                                         Lend Me Your Comb 
##                                                         4 
##                                                 Let It Be 
##                                                         1 
##                                          Like Dreamers Do 
##                                                         4 
##                                              Little Child 
##                                                         4 
##                                 Lonesome Tears in My Eyes 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Long Tall Sally 
##                                                         2 
##                                          Long, Long, Long 
##                                                         4 
##                                             Looking Glass 
##                                                         4 
##                                                Love Me Do 
##                                                         1 
##                                         Love of the Loved 
##                                                         4 
##                                               Love You To 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Lovely Rita 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   Lucille 
##                                                         4 
##                             Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds 
##                                                         3 
##                                                    Madman 
##                                                         4 
##                                                Maggie Mae 
##                                                         4 
##                                      Magical Mystery Tour 
##                                                         2 
##                           Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Martha My Dear 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  Matchbox 
##                                                         2 
##                                   Maxwell's Silver Hammer 
##                                                         2 
##                                          Mean Mr. Mustard 
##                                                         4 
##                                        Memphis, Tennessee 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  Michelle 
##                                                         3 
##                                                    Misery 
##                                                         2 
##                                Money (That's What I Want) 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Moonlight Bay 
##                                                         4 
##                                       Mother Nature's Son 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Mr. Moonlight 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 My Bonnie 
##                                                         2 
##                                                  No Reply 
##                                                         2 
##                      Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 
##                                                         3 
##                                         Not a Second Time 
##                                                         4 
##                                                Not Guilty 
##                                                         4 
##             Nothin' Shakin' (But the Leaves on the Trees) 
##                                                         4 
##                                               Nowhere Man 
##                                                         1 
##                                        Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da 
##                                                         3 
##                                          Octopus's Garden 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Oh! Darling 
##                                                         3 
##                                            Old Brown Shoe 
##                                                         2 
##                                             One After 909 
##                                                         2 
##                                        One and One Is Two 
##                                                         4 
##                                      Only a Northern Song 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Ooh! My Soul 
##                                                         4 
##                                           P.S. I Love You 
##                                                         2 
##                                          Paperback Writer 
##                                                         1 
##                                                Penny Lane 
##                                                         1 
##                                                   Piggies 
##                                                         4 
##                                        Please Mr. Postman 
##                                                         2 
##                                          Please Please Me 
##                                                         1 
##                                             Polythene Pam 
##                                                         4 
##                                                      Rain 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 Real Love 
##                                                         4 
##                                              Revolution 1 
##                                                         2 
##                                              Revolution 9 
##                                                         2 
##                                                Revolution 
##                                                         1 
##        Rip It Up/Shake, Rattle, and Roll/Blue Suede Shoes 
##                                                         4 
##                                       Rock and Roll Music 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Rocky Raccoon 
##                                                         2 
##                                       Roll Over Beethoven 
##                                                         2 
##                                         Run for Your Life 
##                                                         2 
##                                             Savoy Truffle 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Searchin' 
##                                                         4 
##                                     September in the Rain 
##                                                         4 
##                                                Sexy Sadie 
##                                                         2 
##           Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 
##                                                         4 
##                     Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 
##                                                         3 
##                                    Shakin' in the Sixties 
##                                                         4 
##                   She Came in Through the Bathroom Window 
##                                                         4 
##                                             She Loves You 
##                                                         1 
##                                         She Said She Said 
##                                                         2 
##                                             She's a Woman 
##                                                         1 
##                                        She's Leaving Home 
##                                                         3 
##                                                     Shout 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Sie Liebt Dich 
##                                                         4 
##                                                 Slow Down 
##                                                         2 
##                             So How Come (No One Loves Me) 
##                                                         4 
##                      Soldier of Love (Lay Down Your Arms) 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Some Other Guy 
##                                                         4 
##                                                 Something 
##                                                         3 
##                                             Sour Milk Sea 
##                                                         4 
##                            Step Inside Love/Los Paranoias 
##                                                         4 
##                                 Strawberry Fields Forever 
##                                                         3 
##                                                  Sun King 
##                                                         4 
##                           Sure to Fall (In Love with You) 
##                                                         4 
##                                      Sweet Little Sixteen 
##                                                         4 
##                                 Take Good Care of My Baby 
##                                                         4 
##                                 Taking a Trip to Carolina 
##                                                         4 
##                                                    Taxman 
##                                                         3 
##                                                 Teddy Boy 
##                                                         4 
##                                      Tell Me What You See 
##                                                         2 
##                                               Tell Me Why 
##                                                         2 
##                                            Thank You Girl 
##                                                         2 
##                                          That Means a Lot 
##                                                         4 
##                                        That'll Be the Day 
##                                                         4 
##                                   That's All Right (Mama) 
##                                                         4 
##                               The Ballad of John and Yoko 
##                                                         2 
##                     The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill 
##                                                         2 
##                                                   The End 
##                                                         4 
##                                      The Fool on the Hill 
##                                                         3 
##                                        The Honeymoon Song 
##                                                         4 
##                                           The Inner Light 
##                                                         2 
##                                 The Long and Winding Road 
##                                                         1 
##                                          The Night Before 
##                                                         2 
##                                                The Saints 
##                                                         4 
##                                        The Sheik of Araby 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  The Word 
##                                                         4 
##                                           There's a Place 
##                                                         2 
##                                      Things We Said Today 
##                                                         2 
##                                        Think for Yourself 
##                                                         4 
##                                                  This Boy 
##                                                         2 
##                                           Three Cool Cats 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Ticket to Ride 
##                                                         1 
##                                        Till There Was You 
##                                                         2 
##                                          Tip of My Tongue 
##                                                         4 
##                                To Know Her is to Love Her 
##                                                         4 
##                                      Tomorrow Never Knows 
##                                                         3 
##                                  Too Much Monkey Business 
##                                                         4 
##                                           Twist and Shout 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Two of Us 
##                                                         2 
##                                                      Wait 
##                                                         4 
##                                         Watching Rainbows 
##                                                         4 
##                                        We Can Work It Out 
##                                                         1 
##                                              What Goes On 
##                                                         2 
##                                         What You're Doing 
##                                                         4 
##                                  What's The New Mary Jane 
##                                                         4 
##                                           When I Get Home 
##                                                         2 
##                                       When I'm Sixty-Four 
##                                                         3 
##                              While My Guitar Gently Weeps 
##                                                         3 
##                           Why Don't We Do It in the Road? 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Wild Honey Pie 
##                                                         4 
##                                            Winston's Walk 
##                                                         4 
##                        With a Little Help from My Friends 
##                                                         3 
##                                    Within You Without You 
##                                                         3 
##                                                     Woman 
##                                                         4 
##                                             Words of Love 
##                                                         2 
##                                          Yellow Submarine 
##                                                         1 
##                                                 Yer Blues 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Yes It Is 
##                                                         2 
##                                                 Yesterday 
##                                                         1 
##                                         You Can't Do That 
##                                                         2 
##                     You Know My Name (Look Up the Number) 
##                                                         4 
##                                       You Know What to Do 
##                                                         4 
##                                      You Like Me Too Much 
##                                                         2 
##                              You Never Give Me Your Money 
##                                                         2 
##                                          You Won't See Me 
##                                                         3 
##                                            You'll Be Mine 
##                                                         4 
##                            You're Going to Lose That Girl 
##                                                         4 
##                         You've Got to Hide Your Love Away 
##                                                         3 
##                            You've Really Got a Hold on Me 
##                                                         4 
##                                               Young Blood 
##                                                         4 
##                                   Your Mother Should Know 
##                                                         2 
## Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:
## [1]  7.051222 11.577611  7.337453  9.803310
##  (between_SS / total_SS =  64.3 %)
## Available components:
## [1] "cluster"      "centers"      "totss"        "withinss"    
## [5] "tot.withinss" "betweenss"    "size"         "iter"        
## [9] "ifault"

Examine and compare the cluster centers for K = 3 and K = 4:

clusters.K3.all.vars.stats <- summarizeClusterStats(feature.set = the.beatles.songs.num, 
                                                    clusters = clusters.K3.all.vars$cluster, cl.num = 3)
##                                 Cluster 1     Cluster 2    Cluster 3
## Frequency                             112           135           63
## Duration (mean, sd)         158.69, 33.04 145.21, 33.22 173.54, 39.9
## Other.releases (mean, sd)     14.89, 6.42    2.07, 3.34  18.63, 8.38
## Covered.by (mean, sd)          4.09, 3.56     0.7, 1.51  17.41, 3.88
## Top.50.Billboard (mean, sd)    1.75, 6.12    0.19, 1.38 16.46, 18.34
clusters.K4.all.vars.stats <- summarizeClusterStats(feature.set = the.beatles.songs.num, 
                                                    clusters = clusters.K4.all.vars$cluster, cl.num = 4)
##                                 Cluster 1     Cluster 2    Cluster 3
## Frequency                              31            99           46
## Duration (mean, sd)         167.16, 37.47 159.04, 32.44 174.6, 40.04
## Other.releases (mean, sd)     26.02, 4.93   14.84, 6.15  12.45, 5.42
## Covered.by (mean, sd)         15.42, 6.25    3.29, 2.95  16.22, 3.92
## Top.50.Billboard (mean, sd)  34.23, 10.28    0.84, 3.28   1.93, 6.01
##                                 Cluster 4
## Frequency                             134
## Duration (mean, sd)         144.41, 33.31
## Other.releases (mean, sd)      2.04, 3.33
## Covered.by (mean, sd)          0.75, 1.63
## Top.50.Billboard (mean, sd)    0.19, 1.38

Compare multiple clustering results/schemes

# install.packages("fpc")
<comparison criteria> <- # specify criteria (from cluster.stats()) for comparing
+ c("<criterion 1>", # different clusterings (e.g., "max.diameter", "min.separation",
+ "<criterion 2>", ...) # "average.between", "average.within", "within.cluster.ss", ...)
<distance matrix> <-
+ dist(x = <normalized dataset>)
<comparison> <- sapply(list(<clustering 1 name> = <clustering 1>$cluster, # <clustering 1> computed by kmeans()
+ <clustering 2 name> = <clustering 2>$cluster, # <clustering 2> computed by kmeans()
+ ...)
+ FUN = function(x)
+ cluster.stats(<distance matrix>, x))[<comparison criteria>, ]
Alternative 1 - show output as a table in the console:
# install.packages("knitr")
kable(x = <comparison>, format = "rst")
Alternative 2 - show output as a dataframe, using an appropriate utility function:
source("Summary statistics about clusters.R")
<comparison.df> <-
+ compareMultipleClusterings(<comparison>) # show comparison as a dataframe, using a corresponding utility function

comparison.criteria <- c("max.diameter", "min.separation", "average.between", 
                         "average.within", "within.cluster.ss")  
d <- dist(x = the.beatles.songs.num.4)
comparison <- sapply(list(c.K3.var2 = clusters.K3$cluster, # clustering: 3 clusters, 2 variables
                          c.K4.var2 = clusters.K4$cluster, # clustering: 4 clusters, 2 variables
                          c.K3.var4 = clusters.K3.all.vars$cluster,  # 3 clusters, 4 variables
                          c.K4.var4 = clusters.K4.all.vars$cluster), # 4 clusters, 4 variables
                     FUN = function(x) cluster.stats(d, x))[comparison.criteria, ]

# Alternative 1 - show output as a table in the console: 
# library(knitr)
# kable(x = comparison, format = "rst")

# Alternative 2 - show output as a dataframe, using an appropriate utility function: 
comparison.df <- compareMultipleClusterings(comparison)
##                     c.K3.var2   c.K4.var2   c.K3.var4   c.K4.var4
## max.diameter       1.61456014  1.61456014  1.61456014  1.34330166
## min.separation     0.03889892  0.05327394  0.07306239  0.07306239
## average.between    0.86906146  0.82500969  0.86156342  0.85727127
## average.within     0.43265401  0.40330399  0.42781533  0.38151663
## within.cluster.ss 47.00207948 41.22975881 45.92684939 35.76959542